it is true, 100million isk in what 15 minutes.

but this sweet number has a “problem” as it isn’t that sweet after all. it’s 100m for 5 players (even if you do multibox it, you still have to calculate the cost it takes to operate those 4 more toons, which comes down to 10billion isk (yes with a B)!

but if you need a few b quickly and you have the toons anyway, then this is something you can do quite easy.

here is how

you need 4 Friends (all but the support pilot can be alphas) or 5 Eve accounts of your own with Omega active.

4 of them fly a Venture one fly a support ship that can remote-shield boost them once attacked.

how to get it done:

  • Form a fleet (Logi pilot is the Fleet Commander or Squad leader)
  • add the other ships to the watch-list
  • once the site spawn, warp there with everyone.
    – be quick! you are not the only one doing it, especially in Gallente space.
  • while warping there make a bookmark that lasts 3 hours during warp that is more then 2million km away
    (this is important otherwise you can’t warp there from the site)
  • the logi/support ship will activate the gate and enter first to draw the fire and set up
    – Orbit the beacon at 7500 meters (if the Asteroid is too close, use 5000)
  • enter with the first venture
    during warp, activate the hardeners and the mining lasers
  • once arrived click on the asteroid so the lasers will engage the rock, then orbit the beacon with 2500meters.
  • the logi ship must immediately target the venture (just target no boosting required yet)
    it’s just important to make sure the logi ship has a target lock on all the ventures, so it can support them if attacked
  • repeat with the rest of the ships
  • once a ship is attacked, immediately remote-boost it, turn off the own booster on the logi ship to preserve capacitor.

that’s it, if all ventures enter in a reasonably close time to each other (the cargo will be enough)
if you delayed the entry for some reason, make sure the ship entered first turns the lasers off before it runs out of cargo, but do NOT leave the site. just keep orbiting the beacon without working.

if the ships are fitted with EP-S Miners you will make about 101Million ISK total taking about 15 minutes to do it.

Google Sheet with details about the outcomethe google sheet has some logs with timestamps on realistic numbers
(the sheet will not always be updated, its just to illustrate realistic income)

Total Profit is based on the way you mine (using Miner II is fast but you will lose about 3.5Million on Ore sales due to residue)
and on the number of players participating (present when the site closes)

Players Mission Payout
(per player (+ore -taxes)
Group payout
(including Ore and Taxes)
1 6,000,000
2 7,800,000
3 10,140,000
4 13,182,000 11,614,810
5 17,136,000 15,486,410 100,513,500
6 11,424,000
7 7,616,266
8 5,077,511
9 3,385,077


You need 2 types of ships, 1 Logistic ship to boost the shields on the Ventures, and the Ventures itself.

the Ventures are quite basic, just put as much shields on it as you can, the rest is pretty standard.

Low skill-alpha toon

[Venture, Homefront Meteoroid - Miner Alpha low skill]
IFFA Compact Damage Control

Compact Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Medium Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender
1MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner

EP-S Gaussian Scoped Mining Laser
EP-S Gaussian Scoped Mining Laser

Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I

Shields and Mining Skill level 3+

[Venture, Drill-Bit HF II++]
Mining Laser Upgrade II

Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Medium Shield Extender I
Medium Shield Extender I

EP-S Gaussian Scoped Mining Laser
EP-S Gaussian Scoped Mining Laser

Small EM Shield Reinforcer I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I

Support ship

can either be a Minmatar Scythe (cheap but a bit edgy)

[Scythe, Homefront Meteoroid - Logi V3]
Photonic Upgraded Co-Processor
Capacitor Flux Coil II
Co-Processor II
Capacitor Flux Coil II
Damage Control II

EM Shield Hardener II
Thermal Shield Hardener II
Medium Compact Pb-Acid Cap Battery
Large Shield Booster II
Shield Boost Amplifier II

Medium Murky Compact Remote Shield Booster
Medium Murky Compact Remote Shield Booster
Medium Murky Compact Remote Shield Booster

Medium Processor Overclocking Unit I
Medium Thermal Shield Reinforcer I
Medium EM Shield Reinforcer II

Hobgoblin II x2
Light Hull Maintenance Bot I x1
Caldary Navy Hornet x3
Light Armor Maintenance Bot I x3

Nanite Repair Paste x282
Explosive Shield Hardener II x1
Kinetic Shield Hardener II x1
Mobile Depot x1

or a Caldari Osprey (expensive but can handle anything)

[Osprey, Homefront Meteoroid - Logi V3]
Type-D Restrained Capacitor Flux Coil
Type-D Restrained Capacitor Flux Coil
Type-D Restrained Capacitor Flux Coil

Large Compact Pb-Acid Cap Battery
Pith B-Type Large Shield Booster
Thermal Shield Hardener II
EM Shield Hardener II
Copasetic Compact Shield Boost Amplifier

Medium Asymmetric Enduring Remote Shield Booster
Medium Asymmetric Enduring Remote Shield Booster
Medium Murky Compact Remote Shield Booster
Small Asymmetric Enduring Remote Shield Booster
Small Murky Compact Remote Shield Booster

Medium Ancillary Current Router I
Medium Thermal Shield Reinforcer II
Medium EM Shield Reinforcer II

Light Hull Maintenance Bot I x2
Caldary Navy Hornet x5
Light Armor Maintenance Bot I x3


  • don;t use drones! the rats will immediately kill them!
    the drones in the logi ship are just so you can repair the ventures if they did take some damage. (AFTER the site is completed)
    if you Must use drones for somethings, use the strongest and fastest, such as Caldary Navy Hornets
  • unloading the ventures to a hauler is best to do at the next site, as fleetwarp will merge all ships to one spot, making them all being 0meters from each other (no slowboating)
    if you use a Tech1 hauler (no fleet hangar) just drop the cans in the site, bookmark them and warp in with the hauler after the site despawned
    just do not forget to bookmark the site!
  • once the Ventures are set up (Hardener running, lasers mining and orbiting the beacon) you can pretty much ignore them and just manage everything with the Logi Pilot.
    thats why it is best if the Logi Pilot is also the Fleet/Wing/Squad Commander to be able to initiate fleet warps for travel and emergencies.
  • with good skills on shields for the venture pilots, you can replace the Damage Control with Mining Laser Upgrade I/II
  • little evil trick: if someone already in the site, just target the Acceleration gate and another ship, then remote rep the other ship, this will make you a participant without entering the site.
Professional Canned-Tuna Eater

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