While much of this is common sense, let’s reiterate a few essential principles.

Within our corporation, we don’t concern ourselves with the technicalities of what you can or cannot do according to the law or terms of service. What truly matters is how we treat one another—with honesty and a sense of community. If these values don’t align with you, this might not be the right place for you.

with that out of the way, here are some basic things:

  • Trust by default
    Having access to ISK, Ships or Items in a Fleet, Corp, Station or Deliveries Hangar or anywhere else outside your personal stuff.
    does not mean it’s yours to take! Just because we trust you, does not give you permission to steal.
    Abusing this trust, by stealing, give to others or share outside the corp without knowledge of a leader or trusted player leads to immediate removal without warning, and a significant bounty.
    This also includes information you may came across such as (but not limited to) Forcefield Passwords, Bookmarks, structures, strategies future plans.
  • Friendly Fire
    Aggression between members and those listed as +5 and +10 Players is strictly prohibited. This rule applies universally, regardless of corporation status, killrights, System security or any other factors.
    We do not engage in combat with each other without explicit consent—period!
    we do have alot of fun with friendly fire actions, but this does not mean it’s open season for everyone.
  • Bad standings (-5)
    Having a negative standing doesn’t imply that someone is a bad person. It simply means they may pose a threat to your gameplay style.
  • Terrible Standings (-10)
    A player with a standing of -10 has proven themselves untrustworthy, dangerous, or simply displays unsavory character traits. There are various reasons for this standing, so refrain from harassment.
    Triggering a known problematic player reflects poorly on you. Be smart and handle such situations like an adult.
  • Good Standings (+5)
    These are players we engage with positively, helping each other and potentially sharing resources.
  • Excellent Standings (+10)
    We place our trust in these players, treating them like our own corp members.

Additional Reading: