EVE Online Data API

Please note, this is still in very early stage,
Code base: https://github.com/2css-EVE/api.2css.space
Current API Endpoint: https://api.2css.space/v1/

  • getId
    returns the “ID” of almost anything in the universe (including players)
    parameter 1: query string (EXACT and case sensetive, blanks replaced with “+”)
    cache: 35 sec.
    example: [the unique ID of 2CSS]
  • getImage
    returns a Image
    Parameter 1: characters, corporations, alliances, items
    Parameter 2: name the image is for (case sensetive (blanks replaced with “+”))
    Parameter 3: size (64,128,256,512,full) [optional]
    cache: 86000 sec.
    example: [Portrait of “SwingFish” with 256px width]
  • getPrice
    returns Price informations for a item
    parameter 1: ItemID
    parameter 2: Region (if 0 system will pick)
    parameter 3: filter for inline data (this is so prices can be integrated in texts) [buy, sell] [default thresholdSell]
    cache: 900 sec.
    Example: just the buy price for Plex in Jita

Parameters and queries are still being worked on!