most people find Planetary Industry “too clicky” and get lost in the mechanics.
but at the bottom-line, PI is actually pretty easy.

here is what you need to do to pay for your Omega using only PI, with as little effort as possible.

    • a EVE Account with Omega already active (PI and Cloaking requires it)
      all 3 Characters need to participate to make it work!
    • about 25million ISK (2CSS can provide this)
  • a Epithal (2CSS can provide this)
  • about 20 Hours skill training to start (4 days total)
  • basic math skills

Effort vs. Returns

in order to NOT make this a job, its better to just stick with a high demand “P2 Item” such as Superconductors or Viral Agent (this varays based on supply & demand of course) you can use to check whats hot at the moment, keep in mind the higher the grade, the more effort it takes, so we recomend to stick with P2/Refined Commodities.

The short version

Train the First alt with the PI Corp skill plan until Command Center Upgrades III is completed.
this will take about 20 hours, then pause Training, and do the same with the Second Alt.
this way you can get started quicker, and complete the training afterwards to finalize the setup.

  • all toons must have at least Remote Sensing I, Command Center Upgrades III, Interplanetary Consolidation II, Cloaking III to start.
  • find and Setup the planets for extractions, each alt focuses on one of the two requiered commodities.
  • drop the Extractor where it can capture the most (keep in mind it will be moved over time)
  • then drop a Launchpad next to it and two Basic Factories, connect them together via links.
  • Place the Extraction drills, set extraction time to 4 Days and 3 Hours, output destination to the Launchpad
    (this way, when you move the extractor later, you not have to do all the routes again)
  • afterwards start making a hexagon with more basic factories, and place one more Launchpad outside.
    until you run out of Power for more factories (when skilltraining is complete you can add more)
  • link everything together
  • click on each factory, install the factory programm and set the Destination for the finished materials to the first launchpad.
    this way ALL materials will be distributed via the same launchpad.
  • the additional launchpad has no function other than providing storage,
    this way you not have to fly to this planet every 3 days, instead you just move the finished product to the other pad,
    and when you pickup goods you not have to open PI, instead just select the other pad in the customs office and transfer the goods.

Making it happening

  • it is VERY IMPORTANT, that you log on with each toon every day and Reset the extraction. it is set to 4 Days but the efficience drops dramatically after a short period of time.
    this can be fixed by simply open PI, click on the extractor, click stop, click start, click Submit. (takes like 15 sec)
  • if the first pad gets over 60% storage use, move the finished product to the other pad, you can do this until the second pad is all the way filled up as it does not serve any other function.
  • the extraction time can not be longer than 4Day and 3 Hours (this is the maximum timespan you can set with the extractors running 1Hour cycles. doing it, each reset will cost you double the materials)
  • make sure both alts have done all the steps above.
  • once Command Center Upgrades skill level completes, can add more factories to make production faster. (do this till Level IV).
  • once Interplanetary Consolidation is skilled up you can add another planet (do this till Level IV (V if you have nothing else to train))

that’s it, you are done, was easy wasn’t it?

now er take care of your Main Character, as this setup is a tiny bit different.
or read here in more detail about planet selection and materials needed.